Add/update an activity

Complete an activity form for each known activity to show the details of your annual programme. 
If this is your first time inputting activities to the CNZ Portal, please refer to
what activity data do I complete for further guidance.

The following guidelines will help you to complete an activity form.
► Quick tips

Quick tips

  1. Fields marked * must be filled in before you can save your activity form.
  2. Each activity needs to occur within a calendar year.
    If your programme has activity that spans more than one year or that happens each year complete the activity form based on what will happen between 1 Jan - 31 Dec. In the following year(s) you are seeking funding complete a new activity form with the same Name/title.

About your Activity

In the first part of the activity form you tell us the following information about your activity:

  • Name/title*
    Type the name of the work or a short title for the activity.

  • Brief description*
    Type in a brief description of the activity. Eg. Publishing a novel by <author's name> OR Commissioning a new play OR A south island tour OR A series of workshops for emerging artists.

  • Activity type*
    Select one of the following activity types from the drop-down list:
    • Creating or developing a work
    • Exhibiting or performing
    • Publishing
    • Skills development
    • Developing audiences or markets
    • Providing services
    • Researching
    • Recording
    • Documentation, discourse or archiving
    • Organisational development
  • Artform
    ​Select the artform that best fits the activity from the drop-down list:
    • Community arts
    • Craft/object
    • Customary Māori arts
    • Dance
    • Interarts
    • Literature
    • Multidisciplinary arts
    • Music
    • Pacific heritage arts
    • Theatre
    • Visual arts
  • Genre (optional)
    If relevant, select a genre from the drop-down list.
  • Strategic outcome*
    Select one of the following strategic outcomes from the drop-down list:
    • New Zealanders participate in the arts
    • High-quality New Zealand art is developed
    • New Zealanders experience high-quality arts
    • New Zealand arts gain international success
    • New Zealand's arts sector is resilient
  • Tags
    Select any of the following that are relevant to the activity:
    • New Zealand Work
    • Māori Work
    • Pacific Work
  • Location*
    Select where the activity will take place. 
    This can be the local territorial authority, an overseas region, online or national. 

  • Start date & End date*
    Use the date picker to select the dates the activity will take place between, or type in the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy. 
    If your activity spans multiple years, complete the information based on what will happen next year.

  • Venue name and capacity (optional)
    If your activity is an exhibition or performance enter the name of the venue(s). If relevant enter the capacity.

  • Projected Commentary*
    Tell us about the projected activity. For example, is this connected to another activity in your programme? Does it follow on from an activity in previous years? Who are the practitioners involved?

Activity Statistics (Projected)

In the second part of the activity form, provide the projected statistics for the activity, based on the best information currently available. 

For a list of activities and their corresponding 'activity type' refer to what activity data do I complete.
Please don't provide projected statistics for measures that are not required for your chosen activity type.